The following Online Marketing System is available to you after you get the Online Prosperity Training (OPT) program via
- Dotcom domain name registration
- 12-month webhosting
- WordPress installation (so you can easily add articles to your website/blog)
- Email Automated Follow-up Marketing System (good up to 1,750 subscribers)
After you’ve sent a message to Manny M. Viloria in Facebook ( about your OPT subscription, please prepare the following for your Online Marketing System:
1. Who are the people that you want to serve (age, gender, interests)?
2. What info will they find useful or entertaining?
3. What useful info (much better if this is based on your personal knowledge or experience) or entertaining story can you share with them?
4. What product or service can you offer them (whether your own product/service, or someone else’s product/service)?
5. What dotcom domain name do you like?
Suggestion for domain name: FirstnameLastname dot com
For example,
Reason: Build your name first, then your business second.
By building your name online as someone who can provide useful information or entertaining stories, you will attract a certain group of people. These are people who will appreciate what you’ve given them online, and who will also reciprocate by buying the products that they want, which you also recommended that they get.
How can you know if a dotcom name is still available for registration?
You can visit this page –
(Remember to change to your preferred dotcom domain name.)
You’ll easily see if the domain name is still available, or if it has already been taken.
If your preferred dotcom domain name still available, don’t buy it (if you’re a Team AKMB member directly referred by Manny M. Viloria, and you got the Online Prosperity Training product).
Instead, let me know so that we can help you register that dotcom domain name (good for 12 months) at no additional charge to you.
After we register your dotcom domain name, the AKMB techies will setup your WordPress blog.
Please let us know also two questions that the people you want to serve have in their minds, and your answer to those two questions.
From there, we’ll publish a page that answers the first question. We’ll also setup an email auto-follow-up system that helps people find the answer to the second question.
That’s it for now. :-)
In the meantime, have fun with Online Marketing!
Kind regards,
Manny M. Viloria